校园安全信息 绿页学生手册


杰克逊维尔大学 is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for 全球网络赌博平台的整个校园社区,包括学生,教师,员工和游客. 这是通过一个 校园安全保卫部 保安员提供每周7天、24小时的服务. 官员与 the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office provide periodic patrols on campus as well, due 成为警长办公室的合伙人. 此外,大学还雇用宣誓就职的人 治安官办公室的副警长,他们一周中大多数晚上都在校园. 这些 sworn officers have full authority to enforce all state and local laws, as they work in concert with the JU Campus 安全 and Security Officers to provide safety and security 服务.

While the campus of 杰克逊维尔大学 is, overall, a safe environment, this 不代表全球网络赌博平台就可以免于犯罪吗. 至关重要的是,每个人都是有认知的 全球网络赌博平台都在安全和安保领域发挥着作用. 每一个人 should be vigilant in the effort of reporting any criminal acts, suspicious activity, 或者安全问题. 这个功能是大家的事,为了安全 全球网络赌博平台校园的安全.

There are a few, simple, common sense precautions that each individual can take to 帮助确保自己的安全. 其中包括:客房,住宿大厅, and apartment doors locked at all times; keeping vehicle doors locked and all valuables removed; walking in groups or at least with one other person after dark; and remaining 警惕周围环境. 校园安全保卫部负责维护 a number of safety tip brochures and information available to all members of the campus 社区. 此外,该部还出版年度保安报告和安全报告 指南,符合Jeanne cleery法案. 本报告每年发表一次,内容包括 a plethora of safety tips and campus security information inclusive of crime data 每个人都应该很熟悉. 报告还载有关于 the State of Florida’s alcohol and drug laws, as well as information regarding sexual 暴力/骚扰,跟踪,约会暴力和家庭暴力.  以下 部分 are intended to acquaint you with the specific elements of safety and security 在杰克逊维尔大学.  全球网络赌博平台希望它能成为您日常生活中有用的工具 校园生活.  如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,全球网络赌博平台随时为您提供帮助.  The 校园安全 number and other contact numbers will be denoted in the following 部分.

The 以下部分 are intended to acquaint you with the specific elements of 杰克逊维尔大学的安全与安保. 全球网络赌博平台希望它将成为一个有用的工具 在你的日常校园生活中. 如果有任何问题或担忧,全球网络赌博平台 这里提供帮助. 校园保安和其他联系电话将在 以下部分.


杰克逊维尔大学 employs a number of methods designed to educate and keep the 大学社区了解校园安全及保安事宜. 这些服务 由校园安全与安保部提供,包括:

  • 预防犯罪和提高认识方案;
  • 个人安全意识工作坊;
  • 操作ID(清点和标记个人财产);
  • 安全护送;
  • Assistance in planning campus events related to security and/or parking logistics;
  • 校园巡逻;
  • 汽车电池启动;
  • JU移动安全App


大学校园的所有入口每晚都关闭. 一旦大门关闭 all access to the University is through the Welcome Center, located at the main entrance 海豚博士的校园. 及大学大道. 所有车辆,行人和自行车 车辆必须停车并在欢迎中心登记. 警察将检查所有车辆 to ensure a valid University parking decal is displayed and may request to see valid forms of personal Identification prior to allowing a vehicle to proceed onto campus. 所有JU学生必须随身携带海豚卡. 海豚卡 is the simplest way to confirm identity as a registered student to allow entry into 校园和住宅区以一种权宜之计. 车辆没有 停车时需要有效的停车贴.  司机和任何乘客都会 须出示身份证件及说明到访目的. 车辆 一旦确立了合法目的,可以允许进行(e.g.邀请 (现任学生的客人).

The entrances of the Residence Halls are locked with access restricted to resident students who have been issued the appropriate access instrument (JU Dolphin Card activated as card reader, key, or other type of proximity card) to enable access to their assigned 大厅和房间.

Access to classrooms, labs, computer rooms, and other areas of the campus after regular hours will be granted according to the Access List only which has been approved and 由大学官员签署. 只有那些名字被登记的学生 an approved Access List submitted to 校园安全 by their professor will be admitted 下班后进入这些区域. 所有申请访问的学生必须出示他们的学生 ID. 以上区域将不允许进入 晚上11时及早上8时.


The 校园安全保卫部 provides campus patrols regularly on 24小时服务. 警察使用多种手段在场地上走动 包括:高尔夫球车,自行车,标记巡逻车和步行. 在杰克逊维尔 警长办公室也在校园巡逻. 杰克逊维尔警长的宣誓副手 Office are employed as well, to remain on campus for regular tours of duty most nights 以提供额外的安全级别. 他们在路上巡逻, 停车场及住宅小区. 宿舍生活职员的操守 每天晚上都要对住宅设施进行检查. 最后一轮,一名军官 校园保安可以陪同Res Life的工作人员. 校园保安人员: Officers of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and/or the Jacksonville Fire/Rescue 部门随时准备应对校园发生的紧急情况.


For the convenience and safety of our campus 社区 there are a number of Blue Light Emergency Phones, located on specially designed columns that are placed around 校园场地. 在紧急情况下,电话可以用来建立 与校园安全调度中心直接联系. 的位置 of the emergency blue light phones are indicated by a blue star on the map inside 《全球网络赌博平台》小册子.

在校园发生紧急情况时(e.g.,活跃枪手; full or partial campus evacuation, weather emergency or other crisis) the University 有否建立紧急警报通知系统. 大学的所有成员 社区 (students, parents of students, faculty, and staff) are encouraged to register to receive these timely alert notifications by registering their phone number, e-mail 地址或其他联系信息. 在紧急情况下,注册会员 in the system will be notified by way of a telephone call, e-mail, and/or text message 紧急情况的存在以及采取什么行动. 另外,有一个紧急情况 校园内设有警报器,提醒社区发生紧急情况.


如有紧急情况,请拨打911. 这可以通过拨打9-9-1来完成 from any telephone on campus, including residence hall room phones or by use of your 手机(仅限911). 杰克逊维尔警长办公室是当地的执法部门 杜瓦尔县杰克逊维尔分局. 杰克逊维尔消防/救援部门提供 消防响应和紧急医疗服务. 你也可以打电话给校园保安 分机7911或7585为立即,校园援助. 如果你接近一个 of the “Blue Light” emergency phones located on campus, simply push the button to 通知校园保安. 校园保安人员将根据您的位置作出回应.

所有发生的犯罪事件都必须报告. 除了联系 Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office you should contact 校园安全 at the numbers indicated 在上面的段落中. 杰克逊维尔警长的非紧急联系电话 办公室电话是904-630-0500. 校园保卫部保存着一份报案记录 以及校园里发生的所有事件的记录. 部门必须提供 annual crime statistics, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus 安全政策和校园犯罪统计法.

如前所述,预防犯罪是每个人的事. 任何举报 criminal act, suspicious person or activity or other safety and security matter can 匿名. 重要的问题是为了安全和及时报告 校园社区安全.


The University continues to invest resources to provide 照明 throughout the campus. A continuous audit of the 照明 system, potential safety hazards, and proper functioning 紧急电话的使用由校园保安负责. 任何危险或缺陷 向相关部门汇报维修情况. 另外,每年照明一次 survey is conducted in order to identify areas of the campus that may need additional 照明.


All residential housing as well as all buildings on campus are equipped with fire 报警系统和灭火器. 灭火器由 校园安全 Officers to ensure they are fully charged and operationally ready 如果发生火灾. 建议每个学生都熟悉一下 with fire extinguisher locations within their residential housing area as well as 发生火灾时的疏散路线. 在消防安全的本质上,任何火灾 extinguisher damaged or missing should be reported to 校园安全 so that a replacement 都可以做到.

住宅生活 has adopted and issued fire safety practices and rules which can 可以在 住宅生活政策 在他们的网站上.

It should also be noted that it is unlawful to falsely activate a fire alarm or falsely 根据佛罗里达州法规第806章的规定报告火灾. 这也是非法的 to tamper, destroy or remove a fire extinguisher or other fire extinguishing equipment (unless used as intended to extinguish a fire) as covered in Florida State Statutes, 第806章.